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Preus Museum Open Call 23

It's in our DNA! – Democracy – Nature – AI
How can democracy, nature and AI tell us something about evolution, diversity and manipulation? The shortlist is ready!

  • Close-up of a mobile mast that resembles a palm tree, covered with green growths
    © Kaya & Blank, From the Series Second Nature, 2022

The jury had the challenging task of selecting only 16 shortlisted exhibitors from 618 submitted entries from around the world. The jury has also selected three winners from the shortlisted entries. The winners will be announced on Sunday 22 October during the Oslo Negativ Photo Festival. All shortlisted entries will here receive an honourable mention and the event will be live streamed.

The exhibition will be shown in the unique venue of an old veterinary school in Oslo.

The jury consisted of:

  • Chris Harrison: Photographer and Head of Photography at Bilder Nordic School of Photography in Oslo 
  • Cicilie Andersen: Photojournalist and Leader of the Association for Press Photographers in Norway
  • Nina Sørlie: Art historian, Head of the foundation Fotofestivalen Oslo Negativ, Curator Møllersamlingen and Owner Art Advisory AS
  • Trine Stephensen: Independent Curator and Curator at Buskerud Art Center
  • Pål Otnes: Editor Fotografi Magazine, Preus Museum
  • Pål Henrik Ekern: Diversity curator, Preus museum
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Museum24:Portal - 2024.10.08
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2