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Preus Museum Open Call 25

Get closer to the subject and into another dimension of understanding!

Submit your best photos and become part of the exhibition at the Oslo Negativ photo festival this autumn!

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If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough.

Robert Capa

How to submit your photos

The entire open call can be found on Picter.com. The exhibition will be part of the Oslo Negativ photo festival 11. – 26. October 2025 , which this year will be in a new exciting location to be announced later!

Read the text about the call here


There are many ways to approach the subject in photography. Proximity and distance are tools that can be used to conceptualize, document, and make the world more beautiful. A photograph, is in itself a fragment of reality, but it can nonetheless represent a larger whole. Moving closer towards something in photography is about more than just physical distance; it can also serve as an entry point into another dimension of understanding. 

When we move closer to our subject matter, we invite ourselves to see it in its most intimate and raw form, free from distractions and external contexts. The philosopher Merleau-Ponty discusses how we experience the world through our bodies, as an extension of our sensory apparatus. When we photograph something up close, we activate this bodily experience and allow the details permeate our perception. Getting closer therefore provides a different perspective than observing something from a distance. 

If we get close enough, the entire subject may even dissolve. In macro photography or close-ups of people, we do just see things as they are but also how they can be something more. A wrinkle on an elderly person's face, the fibres of a leaf, or the texture of a stone – all these details are transformed from the mundane to the sublime. Susan Sontag wrote in On Photography that the camera can both distance us from reality and bring us closer to it. By moving closer, a paradoxical effect emerges; we pull away from the bigger picture, but simultaneously dive deeper into the essence of what is in front of us. 

Getting close to something also has an emotional aspect, a willingness to put one's empathy into play to better understand the world. Proximity invites a connection between the photograph and the viewer, potentially reducing the distance between people, events, and perceptions. However, getting close also brings the risk of confronting the uncomfortable or the unknown. Additionally, it can mean crossing boundaries and invading the private sphere—without an invitation to do so. Through the theme Closer, Oslo Negativ Photo Festival in 2025 seeks to explore the contradictions and possibilities that come with moving closer. 


This year's Preus Museum Open Call and Oslo Negativ Photo Festival share the theme "Closer." 


Who can submit?

Everyone can submit! We're looking forward to receiving applications from all genders, ages, nationalities, amateurs and professionals!

What's the theme?

The theme is Closer - what does it mean to you?

Proximity and distance are tools that can be used to conceptualize, document, and make the world more beautiful. Moving closer towards something in photography is about more than just physical distance; it can also serve as an entry point into another dimension of understanding.

What can be submitted?

Submit your best photographs that expresses the theme. We look for strong projects with a visual quality. You can upload single images or a project. We also accept images created using AI, but it is important that this is clearly stated through the project description and/or image titles.

What can I win?

The jury selects a winner who gets to exhibit at the Preus Museum Open Call during Oslo Negativ 2025. The exhibition space will be in Oslo. The winner also receives a cash prize of NOK 20,000, will be included in Preus Museum's collection, and get a presentation in Fotografi magazine.

What does it cost?

There is a entry fee of 10 Euros. If you’re a student or a Norwegian photographer, please send us an email at opencall@preusmuseum.no and we’ll send you a voucher code you can enter to get a free entry. 

How do I submit?

Please go to Picter and follow the instructions

From the Photo festival Oslo Negativ 2024

Video: Hanna Johre/Preus museum

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    Hanna Johre/Preus museum
Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.18
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2