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How do our time's climate and nature crisis affect camera-based art's relationship to its subject?

Visiting address:
Kommandørkaptein Klincks vei 7,
NO-3183 Horten

Wednesday–Friday 11–15 
Saturday–Sunday 11–16

Adult:  80,-
Senior:  50,-
Student:  50,-
Under 18:  Free


Selecting the works for the exhibition From nature started with a question: How do our time's climate and nature crisis affect camera-based art's relationship to its subject?

This exhibition examines the ongoing nature and climate crisis through camera-based art. The artists have not created the works to be statements in the public debate on climate and nature. Rather, their works seek to provide alternative perspectives on these significant matters.

Some of the artists explore how Western values have led to the colonization of animals, plants, and landscapes. Other address issues concerning the use of natural resources, such as water. The exhibition also shows works where people identify as being part of nature. What all the works have in common, is that the artists want to make us aware of issues that normally escape our attention.

  • A dark winter landscape with spruce forest and a clearing in the middle of the forest. A fiery streak runs horizontally through the image. Photograph.
    © Terje Abusdal, Slash & Burn #9, 2016. Preus Museum Collection.

The title of the exhibition call attention to how fundamental nature is to human existence, something that seems to have been forgotten by many in today’s consumer society.

Curators: Hege Oulie and Christine Hansen.

The exhibition has been supported by the Fritt Ord Foundation.

Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.06
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2