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The exhibition period is over

Kommandørkaptein Klincks vei 7,
NO-3183 Horten

Wednesday–Friday 11am –3pm
Saturday–Sunday 11am–4pm

Morten Krogvold

If you ask someone to name a Norwegian photographer they know, the probability is high that they will mention Morten Krogvold.

Morten Krogvold (1950-) is a strong and clear profile in Norwegian photography. He has been of great importance, not only as a photographer but also as a communicator and teacher who has influenced several generations of Norwegian photographers. His passion for analog photography and darkroom work creates the keynote in his melancholic and insightful look at human existence in the world. His photographs are classic and timeless, and he himself says that he is concerned with photographing the eternal, not the modern or contemporary. This has been evident throughout his 45-year career.

Morten Krogvold - kort oppsummert

As a novice photographer, he said that he tried to bring out moods through a conscious use of light and space. Krogvold is best known for his portraits but has worked in a number of photographic genres, such as architecture, still life, documentary, and landscape. Hugo Lauritz Jenssen writes in the book Morten Krogvold's portraits: ... "He is a helpless technological dinosaur who meets the dictates of modern digitization with steadfast demands for timelessness, he insists on being left behind in order to have rendezvous with eternity [...] This Krogvold must escape time which was the Black Death knocking with its plague-ridden bony hand. It's not easy, but it's worth a lifetime of work"

Through countless workshops, especially in Vågå, and with his very special communication skills, he has opened up the understanding of photography to a large audience. The series "Face to Face" on NRK from 2003 made him popular as a presenter and portraitist. As initiator and artistic director of the photo festival Nordic Light in Kristiansund from 2006, he has created a meeting point between Norwegian photography and international greats. Krogvold is also a cultural personality, who for over 40 years has been central to the Norwegian public as a strong promoter of the importance of the visual arts, music, and literature in society. In 2005 he was honored with the decoration Knight of the 1st class in the Royal Norwegian Order of St. Olav for his overall effort and commitment to photography.

Leif Preus had a great love for both people and the photographer Krogvold, and it was at the Preus Photo Museum that he had his debut exhibition in 1980. In the exhibition catalogue, Leif Preus writes that the 27-year-old photographer's wish is to have a collection of portraits of interesting personalities made. Looking back, one can safely say that he has succeeded in doing just that! The portraits remain as a witness of the times and as a commemorative book of Norwegian cultural history. Krogvold has also traveled a lot and photographed unknown but interesting people, and it is clear that he meets everyone with the same respect and curiosity. He himself says that a good portrait depicts a meeting between two forces. "The excitement I experience during a portrait shoot cannot be compared to anything else."

- Morten Krogvold

Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.06
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2